Jakarta, IDNtribune – Private First Class Fandhy Dwi Virgha, personnel of the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon, managed to climb up into the podium in the Team Trap Man Shotgun Category at a Distance of 100 Meters at the National Shooting Championship entitled “Bank DKI Cup 2023” which was held at the Perbakin Senayan shooting range, Jakarta, on Saturday (04/11/2023).

With his skills and experience in shooting, Private Virgha succeeded in making his unit proud at the national level. Collaborating with Sargeant Lopez and Private Aldo, this young Tri Dharman shooter was able to achieve the third highest score in the event which was attended by 32 provincial contingents.

Private Virgha expressed his gratitude for the support from all parties so that he could achieve achievements at this national scale event.

“With the permission of God and the support of all parties, thank God I was able to climb the third podium,” he said.

In a separate place, Commander of the 330/Tri Dharma Batalyon, Infantery Major Dedy Pungky Irawanto, S.I.P., M.I.Pol., felt proud and appreciated the achievements achieved by Private Virgha at the National Shooting Championship “Bank DKI CUP” Cup.

“Thank God, it’s extraordinary, I hope that Private Virgha’s achievements can be a motivation for all the Tri Dharma soldiers. My message to Virgha is to continue training and stay humble,” added the Commander.