Intan Jaya, – One afternoon at Intan Jaya, a group of children running were heard screaming. In general, if screams were heard and people are seen running identically, there is a problem. But this time it was different, elementary school children were running as if they were chasing something shouted, “Let’s stop first at the Terminal”, they said in response.

At first, residents who heard the screams of children were confused. “There’s no public transportation, let alone the terminal. Are these kids okay?” grumbled Nathan, a resident who passed the children in red and white uniforms. The distance from home to school that the majority of children in Intan Jaya have to travel, means that they often have to stop at several places to rest, especially when they come home from school which coincides with lunch time.

The idea of ​​making a Smart and Full terminal came from the 330/Tri Dharma Batalyon Commander, Major Dedy Pungky. It has now become Intan Jaya children’s favorite resting place. “We prepare lunch for the children who stop by on their way home from school,” said the Commander. “Before we give them food, make them study first, light things like reading, writing or marching,” explained the 2005 Military Academy graduate when emphasizing the members on guard.

Now, Intan Jaya’s children no longer have to worry about being hungry coming home from school. They have favorite destinations to stop by. A place that makes them feel safe, comfortable and full of kinship, “Full and Smart Terminal”, from Tri Dharma for the children of Intan Jaya. ***