Intan Jaya, IDNtribune – The innovative “Halo Doc” program initiated by the 330 Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force assists the government in providing quality healthcare. It has provided many benefits for the community in the Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province.

As seen at the Mamba Post, when the Task Force Medical team provided help for Anius Sani. Who was suffering from an infection in his leg, Thursday (30/11/23).

Anius, who came to the Mamba Post limping, was immediately directed by the soldiers on guard to wait at Saung Halo Doc. Not long after, after being checked by the Task Force Doctor, Medic Second Lieutenant Dr Yoga P. Sembiring, the wound on Anius’s leg was immediately treated.

“The wound on Anis’ leg was infected. We will clean it first and then give medicine, both external medicine and medicine that must be taken,” explained the doctor.

Sargeant Ojang, one of the medical personnel who helped in providing healthcare, added that there has been a bunch of cases of patients found with wounds that were already infected in the area where they’re stationed.

“An unclean lifestyle is one of the main causes of wound infection,” he said.

“Thank you, doctor for checking and giving me medicine, amakaniee,” said Anius Sani.

Furthermore, the Task Force doctor added that through the “Halo Doc” program, the 330 Task Force apart from providing health services also educates the locals about how to live a healthy and clean lifestyle.