
The Indonesia Herald Tribune

Sebuah pameran bersama seni rupa dari dua negara kami selenggarakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 antara seniman Vietnam dan Indonesia.

Vietnam Indonesia; Hidden Paradise

Sebuah pameran bersama seni rupa dari dua negara kami selenggarakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 antara...

Indonesia Vietnam; Accros The Universe.

Vietnam Indonesia; Across The Universe

A joint art exhibition will be held in August 2023, that will be joined by both Vietnamese and...

In efforts to support the Developing world of Art, the Regent of Magetan visits the 'Post Hybrid' Exhibition in Yogyakarta. (Photo: Special)

In efforts to support the Developing world of Art, the Regent of Magetan visits the ‘Post Hybrid’ Exhibition in Yogyakarta

Magetan, – The “Post Hybrid” exhibition held by the Magetiart at Pendhapa...

Dukung Perkembangan Seni, Bupati Magetan datangi Pameran 'Post Hybrid' di Yogyakarta. (Foto: Istimewa)

Dukung Perkembangan Seni, Bupati Magetan datangi Pameran ‘Post Hybrid’ di Yogyakarta

Magetan, - Pameran “Post Hybrid” yang digelar Komunitas Seni Rupa Magetan,...

Post Hybrid, Progressive Art Works.

Post Hybrid, Progressive Art Works

By: Heri Kris (Artist and Curator of ISI Yogyakarta Alumni) Post Hybrid is the theme presented...

Post Hybrid, Karya-karya yang Progresif 

Oleh: Heri Kris (Perupa dan Kurator Alumni ISI Yogyakarta) Post hybrid adalah tema yang diusung...

Khadir Supartini; Behind The Eye. (Photo: Khadir Supartini for

Behind The Eye; My Ancestors were Traders

By: Heri Kris (Artist and Curator) Behind the eye is a headline in the Solo art exhibition...

Khadir Supartini; Behind The Eye. (Foto Khadir Supartini untuk

Behind The Eye; Nenek Moyangku Seorang Pedagang

Catatan Heri Kris untuk Khadir Supartini, perupa muda kelahiran Sleman, DI Yogyakarta Behind...

Angelina Jolie unveils new sustainability-focused fashion venture. (Photo: Special)

Angelina Jolie Unveils New Sustainability-focused Fashion Venture

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has become the latest celebrity to announce...

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