Intan Jaya, IDNtribune – Papuan Separatists continue to cause havoc in Intan Jaya. In a period of 4 days from Friday (19/1) to Monday (22/1), the actions carried out by the seperatists caused disturbances and losses in both assets and personnel.

Most recently, the seperatists once again damages government built facilities. Four housing units which houses Local Government Officials in Mamba village was burnt to the ground by the seperatists on Monday (22/1/24). The total loss of 7 Billion Rupiah is caused due to the burning of houses belonging to Gat Sani, Juni Sani, Elis Sani and Detinus Sani, with all four officials whom are Indigenous Papuans.

Infantry First Lieutenat Bayu Bhakti, an army officer on duty stationed at Intan Jaya stated that the acts of terror carried out by the seperatists had brought various aspects of people’s lives to a halt.

“On Sunday, locals whom are of Christian faith aren’t able to attend sunday service, nor can the church carry out worship. The locals are afraid to carry out activities in the field, apart from that, many of the locals are forced to evacuate in fear of becoming targets of the seperatists” he explained.

Amidst the efforts done by the government and law enforcers (both armed forces and police) who continue to work together in creating a secure and conducive environment so that development can occur, actions done by the seperatists leave a mark on the locals. They cause psychological trauma and cause losses among the Intan Jayan people. Not only that, the seperatists caused an impact on the economic growth rate and development. As well as the welfare of the people in the District at risk.