NDUGA, IDNTRIBUNE – One of the residents of Keneyam City, Nduga Regency, Mama Melani Gwijangge (35), expressed a feeling of happiness and joy, she was very enthusiastic to welcome the “Borong Hasil Bumi” event of the 411/Pandawa Infantry Batalyon Mobile Task Force.

This was conveyed by Commander of the 411/Pandawa Task Force, Infantry Lt. Col. Subandi, S.E., M.I.P., in a written release from the Keneyam District of the Nduga Regency on Thursday (4/1/2024).

The Commander revealed that the territorial programs of the 411/Pandawa Task Force will continues and aims to help the difficulties faced by the community, improve welfare and the local economy in the area of duty. This overall has received positive and good response from the community.

He continued, let’s say Mama Melani Gwijangge, one of the vegetable traders from Nonggolait Village who took part in the agricultural harvest trade, experienced firsthand the real benefits from the armed forces through the Pandawa troops.

“Mama Melani is a resident of Nonggolait Village, who sells agricultural produce at the Keyabi Kenyam Market every day. Her produce often lasts until the afternoon, sometimes it’s gone, sometimes there’s still left, but with the program to buy up the produce, it doesn’t last long, in 15 minutes everything is sold out and it’s bought up by the Task Force personnel. explained Task Force Commander.

The various territorial activities carried out are an implementation of the orders of The Indonesian Army Chief of Staff, General Maruli Simanjuntak and the Commander of the Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad), Lt. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa. The presence of the 411/Pandawa Task Force must have a real impact on the wider community in the area of ​​duty.

Agricultural harvest purchase like this has often been carried out. But this time, it was witnessed directly by the Commander of Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad), Lt. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa, who visited Keneyam City.

On this occasion, the Three Star General also joined in to buy up the community’s produce which was spread out in front of the Gate Kotis Keneyam Post.

Meanwhile, Commander of the 1706/Nduga Military District Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Hulisda Melala also gave his word on the activity held by the Pandawa Troops. According to him, this activity has shown a positive impact on the community’s economy

“During their 6 months stationed in the Keneyam City area, the 411/Pandawa Task Force was intensively carrying out territorial activities, one of which was buying agricultural produce, which had a real impact on Papuan mothers,” explained District Commander.