Cicalengka, IDNtribune – A concrete form of 330/Tri Dharma’s Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force’s concern for the humanitarian crisis that occurred amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is by taking part in providing humanitarian aid to the people of Palestine.

The extended family of 330/Tri Dharma Batalyon voluntarily collected humanitarian aid in the form of suitable clothing, blankets, medicines and basic necessities to be sent and collected at Headquarters, on Tuesday (07/11/2023).

Head of Tri Dharma Personnel stationed back on headquarters, Infantery First Lieutenant Yogi Prasetyo explained that the enthusiasm of the Batalyon’s extended family to provide humanitarian assistance to their brothers and sisters in Palestine was very high.

“Today, a total of 41 cartons of humanitarian aid were collected voluntarily from the large families, the contents of which include suitable clothing, blankets, medicine and basic necessities. Hopefully this will be useful to ease the burden on our brothers and sisters in Palestine,” he said.

Kakorum further explained that 330 Infantery Batalyon would continue to strive to help facilitate donors both in the dormitory environment and in the community around the unit who would provide assistance.

“We have announced to community leaders around the unit that if there are people who want to provide humanitarian aid for Palestine, they can be gathered at 330 Batalyon,” he concluded.