Intan Jaya, – The bond between the local community and the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force grows stronger. This was seen when the Task Force invited the community to clean the main road together in the Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua, on Monday (16/10/23).

Commander of the Mamba Post, Infantery First Lieutenant Bayu said that this community activity was not just about strengthening unity between the armed forces and the people. However, in means of inviting and familiarizing Intan Jaya residents in prioritize a clean and healthy lifestyle.

“The target of this activity is to clean the main road access which is often used by residents. We also convey to residents that cleanliness is our shared responsibility to create a clean, healthy, neat and comfortable environment,” he said.

“Clean and healthy is a way to create comfort in the living environment. “Thank God, many residents came to participate in community service activities,” said Bayu.

Mr. Yosafat, one of the youth leaders in Mamba Village, admitted that so far, the residents’ sense of concern for cleanliness is still very minimal.

“We have often invited residents to hold clean-ups, but residents’ awareness is still low,” he complained.

Mr. Yosafat hopes that the routine cleaning spearheaded by the task force will make its residents accustomed to prioritizing a clean and healthy lifestyle.

“Thank you very much. The task Force has helped increase residents’ awareness of environmental cleanliness,” he said.