Magetan, – The “Post Hybrid” exhibition held by the Magetiart at Pendhapa Art Space Yogyakarta, opens it’a doors for public starting Tuesday (20/6/2023) afternoon.

At the opening, Regent of Magetan Suprawoto was still on his way. According to information from the Head of the Tourism and Culture Office, Joko Trihono, the Regent will be present at night time to attend the exhibition.

During the event, remarks appeared from several people who turned out to be talking about or “feeling” about the Regent.

It all started with the story of Exhibition Curator Heri Kris. He said, once while curating works of art that would be exhibited via a zoom meeting, Suprawoto, the number one person in Magetan suddenly came.

“From there, Pak Suprawoto shown extraordinary concern for Magetan artists. It’s rare to see an exhibition where the artist’s work is transported by public safety trucks. This has gone viral, how are Public Safety trucks at Pendapa Art Space,” he said as cited by

Not only that, the story of the Magetan Regency Government’s concern for artists and artists in Magetan was continued by Joko Trihono during his speech.

“In an effort to develop artistic creations in Magetan, the Regent further supported the artists by displaying paintings made by Magetan artists in pavilion and district government offices,” he said.

According to him, what is being done to revive artists in Magetan is the same as done in batik. At first there were 7 batik artisans, because there was a policy of using batik for ASN, now batik has grown to around 50 artisans.

I don’t think the Regent has finished there, Oei Hong Djien, a collector from Magelang, said he would suggest the mayor of his city to imitate what Magetan did.

“Mr. Mayor, I don’t care about works of art, but buying art, according to the Magetan Regent’s policy, needs to be emulated,” he said.

According to Dokter Oei, most artists rely on collectors to “live”. Getting here, there aren’t many collectors either. The steps taken by the Regional Government to buy the artist’s paintings were very good.

“I envy Magetan. An artist cannot live if his work is not bought. I am optimistic that the development of art in regency will be faster than other regions,” he explained.

For information, the Post Hybrid Exhibition at Pendhapa Art Space Yogyakarta will last until 29 June 2023. And this exhibition was also attended by 15 members of the Magetiart with 30 paintings on display. ***