Surabaya, – Commander of the Brawijaya Military Region Command (Kodam V/Brawijaya) Major General Farid Makruf received the Jer Basuki Mawa Beya Gold Badge from the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

The badge is awarded concided with the 2023 Pancasila Day ceremony that was held on the Grahadi Building, Surabaya, East Java, Thursday, (1/6/2023).

The badge was awarded to Maj. General Farid Makruf for his dedication as a figure who plays an active role in inflation control, extreme poverty control, prevention od childhood stunting and increasing local investment. As well as maintaining conduciveness,stability and public order in East Java.

The awarding of the Jer Basuki Mawa Beya Gold Badge is based on the decree of the Governer of East Java Number 188/250/KPTS/013/2023. According to Khofifah, this badge of honour is given for the outstanding dedication, time and efforts Maj. General Farid has given to the people and the Province of East Java.

Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that the Gold Badge is similar to the one located in the grave of former Governor of East Java, Mohammad Noer. Khofifah explained that the badge of honour is meant to show that the duties of the Government of East Java has benefited and made the people of East Java happy in all aspects. Similar to whag is stated in the opening of UUD 1945.

“That is the reason the opening of UUD 1945 stated how public welfare must be acheived together” stated the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

At the same time, the number one person in the Brawijaya Military Region (Kodam V/Brawijaya) stated his gratitude for the appreciation given by the Government of East Java

“As the Commander of the Brawijaya Military Region, I would like to thank you for the appreciation given by the Government of East Java. This Badge of Honour is given directly by the Governor of East Java. This serves as a representation from all the people of East Java,” stated Maj. General Farid.

According to the Commander of the Brawijaya Military Region, the award serves as a motivtion to keep working towards a successful government in their efforts in further developing East Java and serving its people.

Maj. General Farid explained how conduciveness and stability of security and public order in East Java is a shared responsibility where teamwork and consistent efforts must be worked on by all parties within the East Javan region.

Before the 2023 Pancasila Day ceremony began, Maj. General Farid arrived in the Grahadi building at 07.30 West Indonesian Time (WIT). He wore a full ceremonial military uniform.

His arrival in the Building coincided with the East Java region Police Chief, Inspector General Toni Harmanto.

They both entered the Grahadi Building and was met by the Governer of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa. ***