The Beautiful Voices of the Tri Dharma Choir Filled the Christmas Celebration at GKII Antiokhia.
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - The 330 Tri Dharma Task Force's Choir performed at the Christmas...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - The 330 Tri Dharma Task Force's Choir performed at the Christmas...
Intan Jaya - Vokal grup Satgas Yonif 330 Tri Dharma turut mengiringi kegiatan ibadah perayaan...
Timika, IDNtribune - The enthusiasm of the personnel from the 330 Tri Dharma Infantery Batalyon...
Timika - Semangat prajurit Yonif 330 Tri Dharma untuk mengukir prestasi terus menggelora...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Komitmen Satgas Yonif 330/Tri Dharma untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - The commitment of the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Bulan Desember telah tiba. Satgas 330 dan masyarakat Intan Jaya punya...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - The innovative "Halo Doc" program initiated by the 330 Tri Dharma Raider...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Inovasi program "Halo Doc" yang diinisiasi oleh Satgas Yonif 330 Tri...
Intan Jaya, - 330 Tri Dharma Raider Infanteru Batalyon Task Force held a Joint...