330 Task Force Inspect Church before Christmas Celebrations, Distributes Food, Bibles and Solar Cells to Intan Jaya Residents
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - In order to welcome Christmas this December, the 330 Task Force inspected...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - In order to welcome Christmas this December, the 330 Task Force inspected...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Dalam rangka menyambut perayaan Natal pada Desember 2023, Satgas Mobile...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Sebuah kalimat bijak menyebutkan bahwa "Generasi muda adalah awal dari...
Papua, IDNtribune - Infantery Colonel Yanerdi Mulyadi, I have known him since he served as The...
Papua, IDNtribune - Kol. Inf. Yanerdi Mulyadi, saya mengenal sosok beliau ini sejak beliau...
Cicalengka, IDNtribune - A concrete form of 330/Tri Dharma's Raider Infantery Batalyon Task...
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune - Every day, the weather in Intan Jaya is unpredictable and difficult to...
Intan Jaya - Setiap harinya, cuaca di Intan Jaya tak menentu dan susah diprediksi. Birunya Langit...
Bandung, IDNtribune - Dalam blantika bidang olahraga menembak, satuan Yonif 330/Tri Dharma tidak...
Jakarta, IDNtribune - Private First Class Fandhy Dwi Virgha, personnel of the 330/Tri Dharma...