Intan Jaya, IDNtribune – While on Duty in Papua, the Tri Dharma Task Force continued to provide inspiration to all elements, which includes both Armed Forces and Police Force personnel, along and the local Community. Simple ideas are executed in an extraordinary way, that made sense and are easy to apply in the real world.

After the Tri Dharma Knights went viral with the teachings of the “Paper Plane” life philosophy last December, this time the personnel went on to motivate and teach Papuan children the “Paper Boat” philosophy at the Mamba Post, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province, on Wednesday (17/1/24).

330 Task Force Commander, “Sonobi Sejuria”, Infantry Major Dedy Pungky Irawanto, S.I.P., M.I.Pol explained that achieving success in life can be compared to a “Paper Boat”.

“Human success is not achieved instantly, but requires process. Just like paper, it will not turn into a boat if we don’t fold it. Same goes with life. To reach the finish, you have to start from the starting point and what happens in the middle will vary. Like waves, sometimes there are “Tears, hurt, heartbreak, happiness, disappointment, anger, hatred, insults, insults, hate speech, which all come and go and become part of the process that we have to go through,” he stressed.

Furthermore, the 2005 Military Academy graduate explained that the paper boat philosophy reminds us that it is not easy to achieve our dreams.

“From Paper Boats we learn that dreams without being balanced with proper preparation and effort, will only be a piece of hope that drifts aimlessly amidst the dynamics of life,” he said.

Keep up the enthusiasm to achieve your goals, children of Intan Jaya, Indonesia is waiting for your potential.