Intan Jaya, – 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantry Batalyon Task Force personnel taught Physical Fitness Exercise (SKJ 88) to children at the Mamba Post, Sugapa, Intan Jaya, Central Papua Province, on Wednesday (02/08/23)

The introduction of the SKJ 88 Physical Exercise aims to teach Intan Jaya children aerobic movements with a combination of full body movements ranging from the feet to the head to maintain fitness, health and body fitness. After carrying out the SKJ 88 Physical Exercise, the Tri Dharma Knights invited the children to play games together happily.

Sargeant Selamet, the Non-Commissioned Officer of the 330/Tri Dharma Task Force who also acts as an instructor for gymnastic movements said that the children were very enthusiastic when they were taught the exercise movements. “During the activity the children participated happily. Each movement was carried out with enthusiasm. The children were happy because SKJ-88 was something new for them,” he said.

“Come on uncle met, one more time, one more time”, shouted Robin, one of the children who looked more energetic than the others while jumping for joy. ***