With Sincerity and Love, Tri Dharma Personnel helps Papuans return from farming
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune.com – The close relationship between 330/Tri Dharma Task Force personnel and residents in the District. Intan Jaya, Central Papua Province can be clearly seen. The presence and consistency of the Tri Dharma Knights to spread kindness and improve the welfare of the people in Central Papua Land is a commensurate replacement for the Skull Knights after their mission ended. Under the shining hot sun, it was seen that the Tri Dharma knights became porters, helping to lift goods brought by a group of residents who returned from farming in Becek Village, Intan Jaya, on Friday (28/07/23).
“Amakanie, good afternoon everyone,” said Kang Enal greeting the residents. “Amakanie, morning sir”, replied the Reverend Isaac. After exchanging greetings and shaking hands, they also dissolved in small talk. “Do you want to sell this sweet potato and passion fruit? Let me buy it, okay?” Private Danang asked, while uncovering the items in the plastic. The little boy was left stunned. He nodded his head as if in the affirmative. In an instant, a 50,000 rupiah bill moved into Jumiana’s little sister’s hand. “Thank you,” he said softly.
Seeing that the sun was getting hotter, First Lieutenant Zaenal, Danpos Bilogai then asked the residents to come down and stop first at the post for lunch. “Come on down, let me bring this pile of rattan,” said Kang Enal as he placed the pile of rattan on his head. Upon arrival of the group at the Bilogai post, the Tri Dharma Knights invited the residents to have lunch together.
Mr. Martinus, a resident of Kp. Becek, expressed his gratitude for the lunch given. “It’s like we have a new brother, a soldier who helps us from the fields, invites us to eat, thank you, God bless,” he said. ***
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