Intan Jaya, – One sunny afternoon as the sun startings to shine, silence broke out amidst the stillness of the land of Papuan Paradise (SUGAPA) in front of the J2 Post of the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infanteru Batalyon Task Force in the Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua province on Saturday (21/10/23).

It appears that a number of the Task Force personnel were having fun mingling with children in Intan Jaya while playing football, the most popular sport on planet earth. Which also includes Sugapa, Intan Jaya.

Private First Class La Anton, one of the 330 Task Force Personnel who joined the match, said that the enthusiasm of the Intan Jaya children for football was very high.

“Every afternoon, there are always 10 to 15 children who came by to the J2 post asking to do sports together, both football and volleyball,” he explained.

Kevin Sondegau, a child from Wandoga Village, said that he and his friends come to the post every day to play football as football is their hobby.

“Every day, my friends and I come to the post to invite Uncle Soldier to play football together. We are happy and excited, because after sports, Uncle usually gives us candy,” he said cheerfully while showing 2 packets of beng-beng in his hand. ***