Right before the second phase of the Village Fund Distribution, Task Force’s Rest Area is flooded with Residents
Intan Jaya, IDNtribune.com – Ahead before the release of the phase II village fund in Intan Jaya, many residents travel from their villages in the interior to Sugapa City. They often walk in groups during the day.
The long distance they have to travel means they need to stop at certain places to rest for a while. As seen in 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon’s “Amakani Rest Area” of the Bilogai Post, which was packed with residents stopping by to rest, on Thursday (28/09/23).
Infantery First Lieutenant Zaenal, Commander of the Bilogai Post said that since the first launch in early July, many residents, especially from Homeyo and Tanah Becek villages who were heading to Sugapa City, had made the “Amakani Rest Area” their favorite resting place.
“Every day we prepare modest treats for residents to enjoy,” said Kang Enal, the nickname given by residents to the Bilogai Post Commander
The pastor of Tanah Becek Village, Nobertus Mbuligau, expressed his gratitude to the Task Force for preparing a resting place.
“Respect, these men have prepared food, coffee and cigarettes. We are all happy. May God bless,” he said.
Furthermore, Kang Enal explained that there was a close emotional relationship between the Task Force and the residents.
“We sit equally, we stand without a King, one nation and one taste, that is our motto, Tri Dharma Warriors, in treating Intan Jaya residents,” he explained with a smile. ***
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