Intan Jaya, – In Response to the scarcity of cooking oil that occurred in Intan Jaya within last few weeks, personnel of the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force distributed packaged rice to residents passing by infront of the Mamba Post and the Preparatory Army Post in Intan Jaya, Central Papua Province on Tuesday (29/08/2023) afternoon.

Post Commander First Lieutenant Arditto Akbar, said that sharing rice packets done by the Tri Dharma Knights are efforts to help reduce the difficulties faced by the community due to the scarcity of oil for cooking. “The scarcity of oil and intensity of rainfall in Intan Jaya has been very high in the last few days, has made it difficult for residents in Intan Jaya to cook,” he said.

“Not only that, for all residents who want to stop by for coffee and tea, we have prepared it for free,” said Lieutenant Ghea, as the coordinator.

Meanwhile, Mama Jolince, one of the residents who received the packaged rice, thanked 330 Personnel for caring about distributing packaged rice to residents. “These days we can’t cook. Oil is already scarce , I want to find wood, but it’s raining. Thank you to the 330 personnel for distributing packaged rice for residents, may God bless you,” he said. ***