Intan Jaya, IDNTRIBUNE.COM – 330 Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon Task Force switches empty land into a garden to educate the community in the Sugapa district, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province on Monday (27/11/23).

Sargeant Selamet Hidayat, the person in charge of the garden, explained that these gardens specifically serve as an educational facilitiy, the focus is on growing short-term types of crops, which means they don’t take a long time to harvest.

“We deliberately chose types of vegetables that only take 30 to 45 days from seed to be harvest, such as kale, lettuce, spinach, cucumber and mustard greens,” he said.

The children were seen being very happy while joking with the Tri Dharma soldiers during gardening activities.

Commander of the 330 Task Force, Infantery Major Dedy Pungky Irawanto, S.I.P., M.I.Pol explained that rotating crop types on the same land is useful for maintaining soil fertility.

“Intensive land use without crop rotation can cause depletion of essential nutrients contained in the soil. So that the level of soil fertility is maintained, there needs to be a rotation of crop types,” he explained.

He further explained that apart from bringing economic benefits, the use of this empty land will also create a clean and healthy green environment.

“Of course, with a clean environment, people will have a cooler living environment, free from air pollution, and avoid diseases caused by dirty and unhealthy environments,” he concluded.