Cicalengka, IDNtribune – The Commander of the 330/Tri Dharma Raider Infantery Batalyon, Infantery Major Dedy Pungky Irawanto, S.I.P., M.I.Pol, never seems to run out of ideas. As he continues to invite and urge all personnel along with their partners to create a positive, productive and competitive environment within the unit.

Previously, in March 2023, the 330 Infantery Batalyon received the 1st place winner in the use of idle land within the Strategic Reserve Command level, and continued with achieving mushroom self-sufficiency with the success of the Tri Dharma Knights in cultivating Oyster Mushrooms. Now, the 330 Infantery Batalyon has successfully utilized idle land into productive land for cultivating grapes.

Sargeant Dadan, one of the personnel in charge, said that the types of grapes cultivated are Taldun, Ninel, Transfiguration, Julian, New Baykonur, Veles, Yellow Belgie, Jupiter Harold, Isabella and Tamaki.

“This type of grape was chosen as it is more resistant to disease in the face of the weather in Cicalengka,” he said.

Separately, 330 Batalyon Commander explained that the development of grape cultivation was an integral part of the food security program from the batalyon

“There are still many types of plants that we cultivate to achieve food independence within 330 Batalyon,” he stressed.

Currently, the cultivated grape plants are 7 months old. The Soldiers were happy when they saw their vines starting to bear fruit.

“Generally, at the age of 6 to 7 months, grape plants can bear fruit. God willing, soon we will be able to harvest,” added Sertu Taufik.